My 2016 One-Word Divine Intention

Every year about this time I reflect back on what lessons the year has brought me, how I responded, how I grew personally/professionally, and what I desire to improve in the coming year. It’s at this time I choose a one-word Divine Intention that acts as a theme throughout the coming new year in all areas of my life: mind, body, emotion and spirit. This one-word often drives my personal and professional goals.  I’ve done this instead of a resolution, because it works well for me and many people whom I’ve coached or use the same strategy have found it to be highly effective for them too. Let’s just be real … resolutions are forgotten within weeks, so why continue to set them?

My 2016 one-word Divine Intention is  …   NATURAL

What does this mean, and how will I interlace it into all areas of my life?

In some ways I have already been moving toward a “natural” lifestyle over the course of a few years. However, in 2016 I’ll be welcoming more naturalness into my life. Because I have slowly been experiencing the rewards of going (and growing) naturally, I’m ready to evolve my life outside of the bubble and naturally allow it to play out fully. Here’s what I mean …


Natural Mind & Emotion

  • Going with the flow to naturally grow deeper, wider and higher into my authentic self regardless of what is going on around me, and who thinks or says what about me. I intuitively know that what other people think or say about me is simply a reflection of themselves and a part of themselves they have not yet accepted.
  • Allowing others to be who they are and knowing it has nothing to do with me. Then naturally letting it play out as it was meant to BE.
  • Allowing others to be in my life, or BEing okay if they are not. I intuitive know that nothing is forever, and I meet people to exchange some form of energy that teaches us both something. Some stay for a lifetime and some don’t; I’m okay either way. I’ve found that those relationships that have grown naturally are the most lasting.
  • Letting go naturally and with ease any emotional attachments to material items, concepts, beliefs, environments and relationships that are not serving me.

Natural Spirit

  • Naturally moving forward with ease and grace into further mind-body-spirit education and experiential practices, so I may help myself and others free themselves from the grip of the “unnatural” cycle.
  • For me, life is an ebb and flow. When I live my life outside of the bubble, well …  life happens, and I’m open to naturally ‘feeling’ what comes and allowing it to move away on it’s own accord.
  • Letting go of things that I have felt were unnatural but had been ignoring my own intuition.
  • Respecting myself first by only BEing in the presence of others who honor and respect me – authentically – not artificially. At this stage in my life and having been through 2 years of challenges that I regard as experiential growth, I’m not willing to be part of any games.

Natural Physical Well-BEing

  • Allowing myself to naturally wake up with the sunrise and wind down with the sunset.
  • Cooking and eating more natural, unprocessed and healthy foods.
  • Reduce stress, increase metabolism, and reduce inflammation are my primary focus.
  • Eating in alignment with my own natural Circadian rhythm, while naturally paying attention to how I feel before and after I eat, how I sleep, function throughout the day, and my energy level during exercise.
  • Participating in pleasurable exercise that feels natural. No more pushing, shoving, punching, pinching, nor fighting against my natural biology and physiology. Honoring and loving my body no matter its size or shape IS loving myself for who I am and moving closer to who I was meant to BE.

For more information on how to start your own annual theme and perhaps spark some inspiration in choosing your own one-word 2016 Divine Intention, see my previous posts:
Choose: 2016 One-Word Divine Intention
Set Your Divine Intention for 2015