One-Word Divine Intention

Posted by on Nov 23, 2018 in Blog, Perspectives |

Setting Goals Can BE Fun and Effective! It’s that time of year again! Reflection without judgment upon the past year. AND choosing one word for the new year to create my “Divine Intention”. I have already chosen my 2019 word, and will share it with you the last week of December. Why choose “one” word? Most people create a long list of resolutions and never stick with it. Within a few months their list is forgotten. However, choosing one word and incorporating it into our every day life in ALL areas of our life over a full year, works incredibly well for many. I honestly cannot remember where I heard about this personal challenge (likely a book from the mid 90s), but I’ve done it every year for quite some time. Remember the mantra, “How you do anything is how you do everything.” This is a quote from one of my leadership mentors, the late Brian Klemmer. And the word I’ve chosen over the years has interestingly played a significant role in many areas of my life: mind, body, spirit, emotion, relationships, family, friends, finances, community, pleasure, etc. Here’s an example of a ‘one word’ intention My word in 2011 was ‘move’. Here is what this meant to me and how it covered many areas in my life at the time: Move my body, move my mind, move forward on personal goals, move into and beyond my dreams, move out things not working, move relationships closer, move projects to completion, move closer to God/source, and move to a warmer climate. I highly recommend this personal/spiritual development exercise. You’ll be amazed at how your life will change over a year. This year as every year prior, I take the week before Thanksgiving to reflect upon the last year. What went well? Where can I make improvements? What do I really want to show up in my life during the next year? What are the action steps that I have to take to make that happen? What do I have to move into my life? What do I have to move out? What are my priorities and WHY are these things important to me? Finally, what one word would describe all of these action steps and desires? If I had to describe it in one word, what would it BE? What I do if I’m stumped… If I’m stumped, I narrow down the words I’ve come up with to five words and then write them on a sticky note. I place the sticky note on my computer screen. As the weeks go by, I cross off the ones that no longer apply. When I’m stumped, it *always* happens that by the end of...

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Download the Introduction Chapter of BEing Spiritually Intelligent!

Posted by on Jun 19, 2017 in Blog |

Great news! With all the talk on my Facebook profile about moving through the resistance of writing the book that’s been inside your head for years,  I moved a project up on my priority list. This project kept getting moved to the bottom. Today I’m happy to announce that you can download the Introduction chapter of BEing Spiritually Intelligent in PDF format for free. All I ask is you provide your first name and verify your email address. Ready, Set, GO! Your book – the one still inside you – may be the key to unlocking someone’s...

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Core Values Matter

Posted by on Mar 2, 2017 in Blog |

When the root is deep there is no reason to fear the wind. When you know who you are, why you are here and get very clear about your vision, you deepen your roots. That is why the old saying that you become who you hang out with is inaccurate and reveals the state of mind/heart of the person saying it. When you have deep roots you are grounded into your core values and nothing that is going on around you that isn’t a match to your core values will uproot you. With that said and as an example, years ago I was in the prison ministry at a medium security prison for awhile and hanging with inmates didn’t sway me to steal, commit arson, etc. In fact, I saw the light of their soul as they struggled to cope. You see, until you can see that light in everyone, you are simply reciting rhetoric and holding yourself back from seeing a wider, higher picture of reality. Some people would call that playing small. I call it looking at life through a narrow lens by choice. And this is like holding yourself prisoner in a whole different way. Life doesn’t happen to us. It happens through us. -Susan Abrams Milligan, “BEing Spiritually Intelligent”...

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One Word Theme or Divine Intention for 2017

Posted by on Dec 23, 2016 in Blog |

It’s that time of year when we reflect on the previous year, and create personal intentions of what we want to create the coming year. Choose one word that best describes what you want to create. Just one word. I know it’s tempting to what to choose a phrase, but trust me, it will serve you more fully when you narrow it down to one word. Why choose “one” word? Most people create a long list of resolutions and never stick with it. Within a few months their list is forgotten. However, choosing one word and incorporating it into our every day life in ALL areas of our life over a full year, works incredibly well for many. If “intention” doesn’t feel right to you, then consider it a theme you will follow throughout the year. I honestly cannot remember where I heard about this personal challenge (likely a book from the mid 90s), but I’ve done it every year since that time. Remember the mantra, “How you do anything is how you do everything.” This is a quote from one of my leadership mentors, the late Brian Klemmer. And the word I’ve chosen over the years has interestingly played a significant role in many areas of my life: mind, body, spirit, emotion, relationships, family, friends, finances, etc. For example, my word in 2011 was ‘move’. What this means to me and how it covered many areas in my life: Move my body, move my mind, move forward on personal goals, move into and beyond my dreams, move out things not working, move relationships closer, move projects to completion, move closer to God/source, and move to a warmer climate. To learn more about the process, and see a list of my one-word Divine Intentions from back into the mid 90s (perhaps to spark something within you), see my post from 2015: I had my 2017 one word theme (aka Divine Intention) narrowed down to two separate words for several months. However, I began to realize when I took a step back and looked at it from a wider perspective that one of the words would be more appropriate and achievable within all areas of my life in 2018. So be realistic when you choose your world. You want to set yourself up for success by stretching yourself a bit so you will personally evolve, but not over do it and sabotage yourself before you even get started. A confused mind does nothing. I now know my one word theme for 2017, and will be posting it after Christmas. I’m excited to share it with you, and step into it’s magnificence. Happy Holidays everyone! Thank you for your continued...

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